Lost Dog & Useful Information
Upload your lost dogs picture and details on dog lost see the link above.
Since Dog Lost began in 2003, thousands of missing and stolen dogs have been reunited. Dog Lost is run by volunteers and headed by Jayne Hayes. Any lost or stolen dog registered on the site will have a great chance of being reunited with its owners. Thousands of volunteers work really hard every day to support its efforts in reuniting lost and found dogs with their owners.
To prevent your dog from straying
Keep your dog under close control at all times.
Check your property to make sure your dog cannot escape.
Ensure your dog can be identified with your name and address and telephone number on a collar and tag or have the dog chipped. Ensure the information is up to date.
Dogs have been known to stray a considerable distance from home so we advise that you make enquiries at neighbouring councils.
If your dog has been seized by the Council’s dog warden it will have been taken immediately to the council approved kennels.
Dangerous or banned dogs
The Police are responsible for taking action where dogs are dangerously out of control and for the keeping of illegal breeds of dog.
A dog is dangerously out of control if “a dog injures a person or behaves in a way that makes a person worried that it might injure them”.
Report directly to your local Police (dangerous and banned dogs) telephone 101.
My dog got out of the house by accident – it wasn’t straying!
Any dog found wandering unaccompanied in a public place is classed as a stray and will be dealt with by the dog warden, if reported as a stray.
What happens if I do not collect my dog within 8 days?
Seized dogs are taken to the kennels immediately and are kept for 8 days, after which time the former owner no longer has any ownership rights to the dog and attempts will be made to re-home stray dogs to new owners out of area.
Reclaiming your dog
Dogs may only be reclaimed during the following office hours 09:00-17:00 Monday-Friday. A Statutory collection fee is payable to the Councils plus any kennelling and vet’s fees incurred in looking after your dog, payable directly to the council. Payment by Debit/Credit cards (please see our payment terms page) can only be accepted within normal office hours by phone.
What can I do about Dog Fouling?
Problems with dog fouling should be reported to the council Environmental and Health Services by phone or email. Further information can be found on dog fouling on the councils web pages.
The Dog Warden will act in the strictest confidentiality and keep you informed about what they are doing.
Any complaint regarding dogs straying on school premises or interfering with the flow of traffic will be dealt with urgently.
Any complaints about a stray dog will be responded to as quickly as possible.
Why do dogs stray?
The two most likely reason for dogs running off is to find the company of other dogs or to find food – so make sure that your dog has frequent access to both of these things.
If your garden fence is broken or not high enough then most dogs will escape given the choice – so fix it so that your dog can’t get out.
If your dog is likely to run out of your front door when you open it, make sure that you shut him away safely in another room before you do so.
Dogs that are bored or are brimming with energy are more likely to escape from the house or garden in search of an adventure – so make sure that your dog gets enough exercise, play and training time with you to use his brain and wear him out.
If your dog runs off when you are on a walk with him because he has seen other dogs or caught a whiff of a scent, keep him on an extending or long lead until you have taught him to come back on command. Please read our ‘Basic Dog Training’ factsheet for more information.
If your dog is not neutered then he or she may be escaping in the search for a mate.
Straying for this reason can lead to unwanted litters of puppies as well as being the cause of traffic accidents or result in your male dog getting into fights and being a general nuisance. The answer to this is to have your dog neutered – he or she will not miss the ‘urge’ and will soon be happy to stay at home, safe with the rest of the family.
Our organisation is only too well aware of the distress that can be caused when a much loved pet goes missing. We hope that the advice in this factsheet is helpful in getting your dog returned safely.
Why is it not advisable to look after the dog in my own home?
Quite often people take in stray dogs without informing the appropriate authorities such as the dog warden. It is a legal requirement for you to do this and if you don’t, you could be accused of theft – the intention to permanently deprive the rightful owner of their property (Theft Act 1968).
The description of the dog you leave with the local authority may not match up to that of the owner looking for their dog, possibly leading to misunderstandings and preventing a bereft owner from getting their much loved pet back.
The dog may have a microchip, which will not be scanned unless he goes into the local authority kennel.
One of the major disadvantages of keeping the dog yourself is that it is very easy to become emotionally attached to him. Handing the dog back to the owner can be very traumatic.
If the owner reclaims the dog through the dog warden, this will enable the dog warden to discuss the responsibilities of dog ownership, give advice on identification and follow up the case if necessary.
The loss of a dog often causes great distress on the part of the owner. In our experience, handing the dog over to the dog warden will give the owner the greatest chances of being reunited with their much loved companion.