Lost & Found Dogs
Dog Warden Services
We provide tailor made services to suit the client’s needs and budget from stray dog collection to Dog Warden services, In hours, Out of hours, Call Centre etc.. We can provide what you need. We have been providing this service to local authorities for many years. Noah’s Ark provide local authorities with a unique cost effective, stray dog collection service without sacrificing or dilution of service levels. We pride ourselves on exceeding agreed service levels due to the dedication, professionalism and experience of both our frontline staff and ‘back office’ support team.
We can provide any dog related service that you require, whether it be collection only or a full service from call centre to kennelling, patrolling to issuing Fixed Penalty notices.
Services we provide to our clients across the country:
In hours stray dog collection service.
Out of hours stray dog collection service.
Dog warden patrols
Issuing of Fixed penalty notices.
Patrolling dog exclusion zones and other requested areas.
Maternity/paternity cover (For council employed Dog Wardens)
Sickness cover. (For council employed Dog Wardens)
Full Kennelling Service from start to finish and on to rehoming.
An experienced Out of Hours call centre and help desk (all calls recorded for training and quality control purposes)
A knowledgeable and experienced In Hours call centre and help desk
Payment collection service of fees owed – PCI DSS security standards payment
Fully qualified teacher LED interactive education visits.
Micro Chipping and promotional events
Publishing of found dogs
Fully integrated administrative service and support.
Animal transport
Many of our clients utilise a large number of the above listed services.
We believe that quality is key to our success and maintain rigorous procedures to ensure that best quality of service is achieved. We are Customer Service of Excellence accredited and continually drive for excellence.
All of our vehicles meet the DEFRA approved standards and are licensed for the transportation of animals. Our vehicles are fitted with live satellite trackers enabling us to locate the best placed member of staff to attend jobs in a timely manner or redirect staff to priority jobs as well as an added employee safety tool.
Noah’s Ark Dog Collection Officers are trained to deal with any dog related incidents, they carry all the necessary equipment and protective clothing to deal with all types of situations. All our staff are CRB checked and follow our clear code of practice.
We continually meet and often exceed our clients service level criteria and we always try to provide additional services to our local authorities.
We are CHAS and SMAS work-safe accredited as well as holding a full RoSPA membership with an in depth Health and Safety management system.
We are members of Employment Law and Health and Safety Specialists always keeping us up to date with the latest changes and amendments.
We hope this information has enabled you to see what we can provide for you.
Please contact us for more in-depth details regarding any areas of the services we provide. Alternatively send us an invitation to tender which we will be more than happy to complete.

Dog Warrant Handling Service
At Noah’s Ark Environmental Services, we specialise in the containment / restraint / removal and kennelling of dogs and other household pets. With experienced and fully trained dog handlers, we work closely with Housing Associations and 23 Local
Authorities throughout England & Wales in a range of activities including (1) Anti-Social Behaviour Tenancy Breach Interviews (2) Abandoned Dogs (3) Dangerous Dog Removal (4) Evictions (5) Gas / Electric Metering Removal / Replacement.
Advice is often provided pre-emptively to Housing Associations and Local Authorities around the management and handling procedures for the safe and effective restraint or removal of dogs. Personal safety is extremely important to our workforce, third
party contractors and the wider public, it forms part of this advice, and we work with all our clients to understand and mitigate the risks posed. We also handle and remove cats, rabbits, fish and other exotic pets and other household pets.
Our experienced dog handling service is available 24 hours a day 7 days a week, and we work closely with our clients to plan restraint, removal and kennelling of animals at our approved kennels up throughout the UK with catteries or other animal
sanctuaries. For further information or advice please contact us on 0333 577 5070.
We specialise in advising Solicitors across the UK in matters which relate to dog restraint, containment, removal and kennelling both pre-emptively and during the instruction itself. With a dedicated team working 24/7, Noah’s Ark Environmental Services Ltd will advise Solicitors, Paralegals and Legal Executives on all matters which relate to the logistical and practical issues involving dog removal when dealing with repossession of properties both residential and commercial.
This includes for example:
ï‚·A dynamic risk assessment of the dangers posed to both the handlers and workforce involved and the wider public.
ï‚·A full appraisal of the range of issues that may arise during the instruction itself and the tactical advice to mitigate any risks.
ï‚·Pre-emptive liaison with one of our approved kennels to ensure a safe &; seamless strategy from animal removal to kennelling.
ï‚·Advice on fee structures for dog kennelling and care.
Once the risks have been identified and incorporated into the pre-emptive planning exercise, Noah’s Ark Environmental Services Ltd will action the requisite number of dog handlers to an instruction ensuring that personal safety and communication
forms the cornerstones to effective service delivery.
At Noah’s Ark Environmental Services Ltd we understand the often complicated and lengthy process Private Landlords face when attempting to evict or re-possess a property from tenants, not least because of the threat that dogs may pose to those attempting to lawfully enter. We recognise that dogs are used on occasions by tenants to deliberately frustrate or delay the process and we also understand that Private Landlords need advice on the process of managing dogs once they are removed from the address in question, where the dog will be housed and who is liable for costs. At Noah’s Ark Environmental Services Ltd we specialise in providing an effective dog restraint and removal service throughout the UK for Private Landlords during evictions or repossessions. With an experienced and highly trained professional team of dog handlers, we assist Private Landlords by safely enforcing the removal of dogs and other household pets during evictions from residential and commercial
properties. We advise Private Landlords on how we relocate dogs to a kennel provider or other animal sanctuaries, and we also advise Private Landlords on the issue of costs and re- homing processes where appropriate.
From the moment we receive your instructions, we will provide you with a full break down of the scope of work to be undertaken along with the standards of service that you can expect. We will ensure that the risks of removal of dogs is accurately assessed and managed, and we will ensure that you have a point of contact leading up to, during and post – instructions.
We will advise you on the
likely risks you will face leading up to and during an eviction where dogs or other
animals are concerned.
The risk assessments our handlers undertake before the eviction.
ï‚· reporting procedures.
ï‚· dog removal and likely daily kennelling costs
our team of dog handling teamwork with private Landlords to make sure a seamless,ï‚·
dynamic, and efficient service is delivered.
We are Passionate about protecting people and property, Noah’s Ark Environmental Services Ltd understand the absolute importance in ensuring all our clients have complete confidence and peace of mind. At its core and underpinning the work
undertaken by Noah’s Ark is a five-step risk process which pride our standards of work undertaken.
This includes:
1. Identifying the risks & hazards
2. Establishing who might be harmed and how.
3. Evaluating the risks and deciding upon appropriate safeguarding
4. Recording the findings and implementation
5. Reviewing the assessment and re-evaluation if necessary
We currently provide this service to 23 local authority councils nationally as fully specialised dog warden services and we have been doing this for the last 16 years as well as working alongside British Gas, assisting their problematic warrants as well as numerous police forces and bailiffs up and down the UK. If you need support or to boost your existing services in addition to keeping your operatives safer, then contact us today for quotations.
See below our list of services

Animal Transport Services
Noah’s Ark Environmental Services Ltd provide the perfect transport solution for your pets across the UK and overseas.
Transportation of animals is an additional specialist service which we have provided to Government Organisations and members of the public since 2005. Noah’s Ark Environmental Services Ltd are approved and licensed by DEFRA for the transportation of animals. The vehicles we use comply with all the necessary approvals and regulations for the comfortable transportation of animals by road over long periods of time and for considerable distances.

Noah’s Ark offer experienced, efficient, swift, animal handling and transportation service.
We will provide a safe and stress-free collection/ transfer of dogs and pets entrusted to us.
All of our staff are experienced animal handlers who closely monitor and care for you pet throughout their time in our care. We provide the best travel accommodation available, designed for maximum comfort and safety, with frequent rest and exercise breaks when needed.
Some of our long standing clients include:
Her Majesty’s Armed Forces (Special discount rates apply).
Police Authorities.
Solicitors (Reunification of deceased persons pets to next of kin).
Members of public – moving house/ relocating/ overseas.
Dog breeders
We have transported numerous Dogs, Cats, Snake, Exotics, Rodents and many more throughout the UK and Abroad.
For a no obligation quote please ring us on 0333 5775070
Lost Dog & Useful Information
To prevent your dog from straying
Keep your dog under close control at all times.
Check your property to make sure your dog cannot escape.
Ensure your dog can be identified with your name and address and telephone number on a collar and tag or have the dog chipped. Ensure the information is up to date.
Dogs have been known to stray a considerable distance from home so we advise that you make enquiries at neighbouring councils.
If your dog has been seized by the Council’s dog warden it will have been taken immediately to the council approved kennels.
Dangerous or banned dogs
The Police are responsible for taking action where dogs are dangerously out of control and for the keeping of illegal breeds of dog.
A dog is dangerously out of control if “a dog injures a person or behaves in a way that makes a person worried that it might injure them”.
Report directly to your local Police (dangerous and banned dogs) telephone 101.
My dog got out of the house by accident – it wasn’t straying!
Any dog found wandering unaccompanied in a public place is classed as a stray and will be dealt with by the dog warden, if reported as a stray.
What happens if I do not collect my dog within 8 days?
Seized dogs are taken to the kennels immediately and are kept for 8 days, after which time the former owner no longer has any ownership rights to the dog and attempts will be made to re-home stray dogs to new owners out of area.
Reclaiming your dog
Dogs may only be reclaimed during the following office hours 09:00-17:00 Monday-Friday. A Statutory collection fee is payable to the Councils plus any kennelling and vet’s fees incurred in looking after your dog, payable directly to the council. Payment by Debit/Credit cards (please see our payment terms page) can only be accepted within normal office hours by phone.
What can I do about Dog Fouling?
Problems with dog fouling should be reported to the council Environmental and Health Services by phone or email. Further information can be found on dog fouling on the councils web pages.
The Dog Warden will act in the strictest confidentiality and keep you informed about what they are doing.
Any complaint regarding dogs straying on school premises or interfering with the flow of traffic will be dealt with urgently.
Any complaints about a stray dog will be responded to as quickly as possible.
Why do dogs stray?
The two most likely reason for dogs running off is to find the company of other dogs or to find food – so make sure that your dog has frequent access to both of these things.
If your garden fence is broken or not high enough then most dogs will escape given the choice – so fix it so that your dog can’t get out.
If your dog is likely to run out of your front door when you open it, make sure that you shut him away safely in another room before you do so.
Dogs that are bored or are brimming with energy are more likely to escape from the house or garden in search of an adventure – so make sure that your dog gets enough exercise, play and training time with you to use his brain and wear him out.
If your dog runs off when you are on a walk with him because he has seen other dogs or caught a whiff of a scent, keep him on an extending or long lead until you have taught him to come back on command. Please read our ‘Basic Dog Training’ factsheet for more information.
If your dog is not neutered then he or she may be escaping in the search for a mate.
Straying for this reason can lead to unwanted litters of puppies as well as being the cause of traffic accidents or result in your male dog getting into fights and being a general nuisance. The answer to this is to have your dog neutered – he or she will not miss the ‘urge’ and will soon be happy to stay at home, safe with the rest of the family.
Our organisation is only too well aware of the distress that can be caused when a much loved pet goes missing. We hope that the advice in this factsheet is helpful in getting your dog returned safely.
Why is it not advisable to look after the dog in my own home?
Quite often people take in stray dogs without informing the appropriate authorities such as the dog warden. It is a legal requirement for you to do this and if you don’t, you could be accused of theft – the intention to permanently deprive the rightful owner of their property (Theft Act 1968).
The description of the dog you leave with the local authority may not match up to that of the owner looking for their dog, possibly leading to misunderstandings and preventing a bereft owner from getting their much loved pet back.
The dog may have a microchip, which will not be scanned unless he goes into the local authority kennel.
One of the major disadvantages of keeping the dog yourself is that it is very easy to become emotionally attached to him. Handing the dog back to the owner can be very traumatic.
If the owner reclaims the dog through the dog warden, this will enable the dog warden to discuss the responsibilities of dog ownership, give advice on identification and follow up the case if necessary.
The loss of a dog often causes great distress on the part of the owner. In our experience, handing the dog over to the dog warden will give the owner the greatest chances of being reunited with their much loved companion.
Upload your lost dogs picture and details on dog lost and our facebook page see the link above.
Since Dog Lost began in 2003, thousands of missing and stolen dogs have been reunited. Dog Lost is run by volunteers and headed by Jayne Hayes. Any lost or stolen dog registered on the site will have a great chance of being reunited with its owners. Thousands of volunteers work really hard every day to support its efforts in reuniting lost and found dogs with their owners.